Senin, 16 Juli 2012

Battery Park

First batch of screenshots from Battery Park. This map is 99.9% complete (maybe some little material adjustment). The comparison is using the default game settings DX11 at Ultra and HD textures activated against the recommended configuration of the mod (which gives better performance than ultra). The differences in lighting are due to that, the recommended configuration uses many parameters under ultra (obviously you can rise all of them if you want).

Those screenshots are from game mode, not editor. Finally you can see a quality close to the one on the screen. Anyway I would say that in the scaled screenshots at 1300x800, the 2Kx2K textures are not appreciated at all.

First of all, some of the problems with tesselated concrete in vanilla game. Floating assets, lowres decals, parallax glitches, tesselation not alligned with cracks mask, etc. In my opinion, this concrete floor don't need tesselation, it's not real.

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