Kamis, 07 Maret 2013

Soviet tank production plan 1946-1950

Source: http://world-of-kwg.livejournal.com/168921.html
Picture by Yuri Pasholok
Text by Silentstalker

This is something I found quite interesting. As some of you may know, Soviet planned economy (and subsequently the economy of its satellite states of the Warsaw Pact) worked in 5-year planned cycles called "pjatiletka" (this term was later transferred to other languages too, f.x. Czech "pětiletka"). These plans were made a year before their start and - needless to say - didn't usually work, because the planned output/production rates were overinflated for propaganda purposes (for example, the second Soviet 5 year plan after the war counted on the fact that by 1955, Soviet Union will outproduce United States in all the "oldschool" strategic commodities: steel, wheat etc.).

This is a plan, published by Yuri Pasholok for tank production for 1945-1950.

Original picture:

What does it all mean: the columns from left to right

Item number,  name of the factory, type of the tank, years (1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950), total amount

The factories: Kirov plant Chelyabinsk, Kirov plant Leningrad, Factory no. 183, 112, 174, 75, 40 (SS: factory no.183 and its subsidiary no.75 was in Kharkov, factory no.112 was the Krasnoe Sormovo, named after Zhdanov - Nizny Novgorod, factory no.174 was named after Voroshilov and was located in Leningrad, factory no.40 was located in Mytishti, Moscow)

Type of the tank: the first two (produced in the Kirov plants) are heavy tanks, the rest are medium tanks - with the exception of the last item (produced in factory no.40), those are the light tanks

The last line is the sum of each year.

All in all, in those 5 years (keep in mind this is peacetime production) Soviets actually wanted to produce 19200 heavy tanks, 66000 medium tanks, 13400 light tanks, in total 98600 tanks.

To compare with wartime production: during the entire war, Soviet Russia produced roughly 30000 light vehicles, 62000 medium vehicles and 14000 heavy vehicles. What the Soviets planned for 1946-1950 was essentially a wartime production.

Needless to say, the plan was not fulfilled. If we compare the real numbers of the T-34 medium tank (for example):

1946 - 12000 planned, 5500 produced
1947 - 12600 planned, 4600 produced  + 22 T-54 (please note that this includes any variants)
1948 - 13200 planned, 3700 produced + 593 T-54
1949 - 13800 planned, 900 produced + 152 T-54
1950 - 14400 planned, 300 produced + 1007 T-54

Source for T-34 numbers: S.Zaloga - T-34 medium tank 1944-1994
Source for T-54 numbers: Техника и вооружение 2008

Either way, it was clear that by 1945, Stalin (who - much like Hitler - liked to micromanage stuff) had his mind on war and demanded ramped up production - production his battered nation was not able to meet and ultimately failed to deliver. Only after his death in 1953 did the Soviet Union truly start to recover from its wartime economy and normalize.

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