Ahad [kits, faces, Logos, Menu & Misc]
Addy [Stadiums, Fixtures, Graphics Set & Misc]
Biggy [Roster]
Charu [IPL facepack]
Shaharyar [Assigned the IPL faces]
MattW [TV Overlay]
Special Thanks to;
Zaxotes, for allowing to use his brilliant IPL teams 3d logos for Stadiums' Scoreboard & Electronic Screen.
Kandy422, modified his default c07 crowd into IPL Crowd.
NOTE: We have not included any BatPack, You'll have to install ZaxWillows Batpack first. For your ease I have provided the links below in INSTALLATION instructions. |
I N S T A L L A T I O N :
MUST MUST MUST Follow These steps, if you want your game to work properly. Else Don't complaint about Errors!
- Downloaded All 6 RAR Files & keep them into the same Directoy of your choice, & Extract them.
- Run "IPL4PATCH.EXE" and install the patch in your EA SPORTS CRICKET 2007's Root Directory.
- Download & Install "ZaxWillowz™,The Ultimate 150 Batpack". Can be Downloaded here "http://www.mediafire.com/?ckr01ohnrbukmdk" [Password: digitalwillow].
- Download & Install IPL-4 Tournament Logos & Winner's Trophy here "http://www.mediafire.com/?pcbfp2gb43l8bk7"
- Download "IPL4.RAR" file here "http://www.planetcricket.net/forums/attachments/cricket-07-downloads-forum/83937d1306495715-biggys-rosters-studios-ipl-4-cricket-fever-20th-june-ipl-4.rar", after Downloading, copy All the files from "Extras" folder & paste to your Cricket 2007 Root Directory. But Don't copy/install the IPL4.ros present in that rar file!
- Copy "IPL4.ros" Folder which is included with the IPL4Patch.exe & Paste in "EA SPORTS(TM) Cricket 07" located in My Documents.
- In game, Load the "IPL4.ros" first, & start playing Realistic IPL-4 Patch!
A D D I T I O N A L - I N F O R M A T I O N :
1. The "A² Studios' IPL-4.RAR" COntains:
- IPL4PATCH.EXE: [Needs to be installed first]
- IPL4.ROS : [Look for 5th Step In the INSTALLATION Section]
- PLAYOFFS Folder: [This folder contains the Chennai Stadium & umpires kit for playoffs, Copy all the files from the folder & paste in you Cricket 07 root Directory only when, you've qualified for the Final, for realistic Final Environment.]
2. After You've installed the IPL4PATCH.EXE, you'll find two folders in your main cricket 2007 folder
- Blue Menu FOlder [By default we have included the Orange Menu, But if you want to have blue menu, Copy the .FSH file from that folder & paste in your Cricket 2007 Main Directory.]
- Umpire kits [By default we have included Red umpire Kit, but if you want to have black kit, Copy the .FSH file from that folder & paste in your Cricket 2007 Main Directory.]
R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S :
IPL Music Patch by Shaharyar.
IPL Boundary Music Patch by Shaharyar.
- Download & Install A Camera Patch
After Launching the Game, Load the Roster First, then Go to
Set the Fixtures as "2006" & Overs "20" > Select User Team > Start Playing IPL-4!
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