Sabtu, 05 Januari 2013

Regarding the "corruption" cause

Hello everyone,

a few (and hopefully last) words to the whole "corruption" affair, related to the posts springing up on the EU forum.

First: please don't paint me as a martyr, saint or whistleblower. I never intended to screw Wargaming, to act as an agent, it was indeed private conversation between two people with no whistleblowing intention. As XO_Foucault wrote: if anyone's private life leaked on the internet, everyone would be shocked. That is actually why I removed the post - not under duress from Wargaming, but because I had a phonecall with the person mentioned in my thread and I decided not to act out of spite or righteous anger anymore, but I did what I felt was the right thing (the same goes for posting it in the first place - felt like the right thing to do for a guy who felt cheated and angry).

Second: From XO_Foucault's post (please note he was implied of corruption in my post too, being the boss of the person mentioned) I have the "we did nothing wrong, he broke the rules and he had to go". I am fine with the second part. I broke the rules and I had to go - fair enough. But if I see anymore of the "nothing happened" shit and this gets swept under the rug, the post goes right back where it was.

I don't want to start a holy crusade against corruption. I don't want to become a martyr. I know how world works. I don't even want this to affect the implied person's life forever. She doesn't deserve that. But I DO want Wargaming to admit its mistake and do something about it, possibly by cleaning house (including XO_Foucault - yes, I know a lot, mate, trust me - I didn't post the worst stuff yet).

Edit: I NEVER "sneaked" anything into the old posts. Stop accusing me of shit I haven't done.

Edit 2: "Nothing was rigged" my ass. The post is back, I won't let people make me look like a liar. I thought you already learned your lesson.

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